mpv Resampling

A sequel in the making


This page is meant to be treated as a follow-up to this scaler comparison done with ImageMagick. I'm only going to talk about niche topics here, so just refer to that other page if you only want to read about scalers.

The Effect of the Downsampler in Upsampling Evaluation

All luma doublers are trained with artificial data, which means the LR images are obtained by downsampling the HR references. The implication here is that if the test procedure matches whatever was done to train a model, the model will obviously score higher. This creates an unfair playing ground if these models are trained differently, as testing with images downsampled in linear light for example would greatly favour any models trained with images that were equally downsampled in linear light. The choice of filter is also very important, as different filters produce images with different characteristics.

Downsampling in linear light dilates bright structures while eroding dark ones relative to downsampling in gamma light. This is generally accepted as correct but it might not always be ideal depending on the content.

Interestingly, most models seem to show better reconstruction quality when you feed them LR images that have been downsampled in gamma light, and pretty much all mpv shaders have been trained with data downsampled in gamma light (including NNEDI3, FSRCNNX, RAVU, ArtCNN, etc). If we use images that have been downsampled in linear light, the model will produce images with dilated dark highlights and eroded bright features. The exact opposite of what happens when you downsample in linear light. The model is simply learning how to "undo" what linear light downsampling "does", so this behaviour makes perfect sense.

For these reasons, the upsampling tests will be done with an image downsampled in gamma light.

Upsampling Shaders

I still do not have a good way of automating mpv tests and therefore I'll have to stick to a single test image, which is going to be the luma portion of kumiko.png:


Testing with a single image makes this very unscientific, but it is what it is.

Upsampling Methodology

The following shaders were "benchmarked":

  1. ArtCNN
  2. RAVU
I've also added a few built-in filters to the mix just to have some reference points.

The test image is downsampled with:

magick convert kumiko.png -filter box -resize 50% downsampled.png

The image is then upsampled back with:

mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --no-hidpi-window-scale --window-scale=2.0 --pause=yes --screenshot-format=png --sigmoid-upscaling --deband=no --dither-depth=no --screenshot-high-bit-depth=no --glsl-shader="path/to/meme/shader" downsampled.png

Upsampling Results

ArtCNN_C4F32_CMP 2.30E-03 43.3278 0.9922 0.9986 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
ArtCNN_C4F16_CMP 2.49E-03 42.5850 0.9915 0.9985 0.9415 0.9190 0.9629 0.9817 0.9513
ArtCNN_C4F8_CMP 2.81E-03 41.1488 0.9903 0.9985 0.8407 0.7624 0.8994 0.9634 0.8665
ravu-zoom-ar-r3 3.14E-03 39.3867 0.9880 0.9982 0.7365 0.5703 0.7762 0.8668 0.7375
ravu-lite-ar-r4 3.17E-03 39.6571 0.9878 0.9982 0.7247 0.5998 0.7630 0.8610 0.7372
FSRCNNX_x2_16-0-4-1 3.35E-03 38.9648 0.9885 0.9981 0.6702 0.5244 0.7988 0.8577 0.7128
ravu-lite-ar-r3 3.26E-03 39.4102 0.9873 0.9981 0.6981 0.5729 0.7382 0.8564 0.7164
ravu-zoom-ar-r2 3.26E-03 38.8482 0.9872 0.9981 0.6965 0.5116 0.7319 0.8424 0.6956
ravu-lite-ar-r2 3.31E-03 38.7971 0.9870 0.9982 0.6812 0.5061 0.7211 0.8632 0.6929
FSRCNNX_x2_8-0-4-1 3.46E-03 39.0744 0.9874 0.9981 0.6334 0.5363 0.7405 0.8431 0.6883
lanczos 4.63E-03 36.5113 0.9799 0.9977 0.2642 0.2569 0.3426 0.7200 0.3959
polar_lanczossharp 4.85E-03 36.0673 0.9786 0.9974 0.1967 0.2085 0.2701 0.6010 0.3191
bilinear 5.47E-03 34.1550 0.9735 0.9955 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Upsampling Commentary

As we can see in the table above, ArtCNN is seems to be the best option when it comes to luma doubling. I personally think the C4F16 version of it should be good enough for most video content, but if your hardware can handle the bigger models well then why not. I also strongly recommend trying the compute variants on Vulkan as that tends to perform much better.

For lower scaling factors between 1x and 2x you can expect this list to remain mostly the same as long as you use a sharp downsampling filter for the luma doublers. The choice of filter actually has a huge impact on how sharp the final image will be, so sticking to the hermite default makes all doublers much softer than ravu-zoom for example. Also keep in mind that the difference between the shaders also becomes smaller as you decrease the scaling factor.

Chroma Shaders

Using real anime content to test chroma shaders is difficult because we almost never have it available without chroma subsampling, so a promotional art will be used instead:


Chroma Methodology

The following shaders were "benchmarked":

  1. ArtCNN
  2. Chroma From Luma Prediction
  3. JointBilateral
  4. KrigBilateral

A "near lossless" 420 version of aoko.png was created:

avifenc aoko.png --min 0 --max 0 -y 420 420.avif

mpv options remains the same with the exception that we don't need --window-scale=2.0 anymore.

Chroma Results

ArtCNN_C4F32_Chroma 2.98E-03 42.8633 0.9917 0.9980 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
cfl 3.81E-03 39.8314 0.9893 0.9977 0.7822 0.6502 0.8534 0.8190 0.7762
cfl_lite 3.90E-03 39.5782 0.9889 0.9977 0.7575 0.6210 0.8308 0.7970 0.7516
krigbilateral 4.22E-03 38.6022 0.9873 0.9976 0.6746 0.5083 0.7326 0.7517 0.6668
fastbilateral 4.37E-03 37.1016 0.9858 0.9974 0.6350 0.3352 0.6391 0.6289 0.5595
jointbilateral 4.60E-03 37.3093 0.9852 0.9973 0.5750 0.3592 0.6040 0.5840 0.5305
lanczos 5.70E-03 36.3881 0.9800 0.9972 0.2878 0.2529 0.2864 0.4703 0.3243
polar_lanczossharp 5.89E-03 35.9492 0.9795 0.9972 0.2385 0.2022 0.2530 0.4910 0.2962
bilinear 6.80E-03 34.1966 0.9753 0.9965 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Chroma Commentary

If we look at the numbers, ArtCNN is easily the best option. I actually wouldn't recommend using your resources on this unless you're playing native resolution video and your GPU has nothing better to do.

The other shaders all suffer from chromaloc issues and they can be easily fooled when there's no correlation between luma and chroma. I'd personally skip all of them.


Antiringing solutions is a topic that I hadn't covered in the previous iteration of this page, but now that we have more than a single option we can also compare them.

In short, antiringing filters attempt to remove overshoots generated by sharp resampling filters when they meet a sharp intensity delta. What is commonly referred to as ringing is simply consequential to the filter's impulse response.

The following image shows this very well:


The negative weights in the filter are there for it to be able to quickly respond to high-frequency transitions, but it makes the filter overshoot a little bit before reaching its final destination. The "intensity" of the ringing is directly related to the magnitude of the secondary lobes. The second lobe, which is almost always negative, is responsible for the overshooting in can see in this example, but filters with more lobes ring once per lobe, and the ringing can be "positive" as well (within the range set by the original pixels) with positive lobes. The "length" of the rings is directly related to the length of the lobes, which is why filters like polar lanczos have "longer" rings (the zero crossings don't fall exactly at the integers, but rather slightly after them).

Antiring Methodology

The methodology here almost is equal to the one used for upsampling, with the only difference being that we have to include --scale-antiring to use mpv's (libplacebo's) native AR solution.

AR is only really necessary when you're using sharp filters, it makes no sense alongside blurry filters because blurry filters don't ring hard enough for it to be noticeable. There are a few sharp memes that are worth trying with AR though if you feel adventurous, but generally speaking I think polar lanczossharp is pretty well balanced (a bit blurry even).

I previously had Pixel Clipper in this comparison but I don't think that's necessary anymore. This shader was written to fill the hole of mpv not supporting polar AR at the time, but this is not true anymore. Pixel Clipper remains relatively useful if you want downscaling AR, but for upscaling you're probably better off using the native solution.

Antiring Results

polar_lanczossharp_ar_80 4.51E-03 36.1752 0.9808 0.9975 0.9176 0.9824 0.9401 0.3244 0.7911
polar_lanczossharp_ar_75 4.54E-03 36.1713 0.9807 0.9975 0.8791 0.9633 0.9125 0.4005 0.7889
polar_lanczossharp_ar_85 4.50E-03 36.1777 0.9809 0.9975 0.9501 0.9945 0.9629 0.2471 0.7886
polar_lanczossharp_ar_70 4.56E-03 36.1663 0.9807 0.9976 0.8360 0.9390 0.8813 0.4799 0.7841
polar_lanczossharp_ar_90 4.48E-03 36.1787 0.9809 0.9975 0.9752 0.9994 0.9799 0.1694 0.7810
polar_lanczossharp_ar_65 4.58E-03 36.1600 0.9806 0.9976 0.7886 0.9087 0.8452 0.5512 0.7734
polar_lanczossharp_ar_95 4.48E-03 36.1788 0.9809 0.9975 0.9923 1.0000 0.9924 0.0857 0.7676
polar_lanczossharp_ar_60 4.61E-03 36.1528 0.9805 0.9976 0.7389 0.8734 0.8058 0.6213 0.7599
polar_lanczossharp_ar_100 4.47E-03 36.1775 0.9809 0.9974 1.0000 0.9934 1.0000 0.0000 0.7483
polar_lanczossharp_ar_55 4.64E-03 36.1438 0.9804 0.9976 0.6850 0.8299 0.7597 0.6839 0.7396
polar_lanczossharp_ar_50 4.67E-03 36.1339 0.9802 0.9976 0.6292 0.7815 0.7102 0.7393 0.7151
polar_lanczossharp 5.00E-03 35.9731 0.9785 0.9977 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.2500

Antiring Commentary

As you can see in the table above, the sweetspot for libplacebo's AR seems to be around 0.8 taking all the metrics into account. MS-SSIM is the only metric that does not like AR, and this behaviour can be easily explained by the fact that it evaluates the image at various scales to come up with a score. Having some controlled overshoots is helping the image reach the intended intensity levels after downscaling here, which is why MS-SSIM disagrees with SSIM (the metric it's based on). MS-SSIM supposedly models a viewer looking at the image from various viewing distances so you could make the argument that ringing becomes a smaller problem as you move away from the display (and, in this case, you could also say that some ringing is actually good).

If we remove MS-SSIM from the equation the image with full AR becomes the top scorer and the list goes down from there perfectly in line with AR strength. Please remember that these numbers vary with the image, filter and scaling factor.

Downsampling Antiring

There's no fundamental difference in the math behind how output pixels are computed as far as filter weights are concerned, so filters with more than a single lobe will also ring when going down. This is often not as jarring and/or noticeable because the filters we use to downscale are often less sharp and therefore their overshoots are less pronounced. mpv defaults to Hermite which doesn't ring at all.

Using polar filters to downscale in mpv is very resource intensive and generally just unnecessary, so I'll switch to Catrom in this section. Downscaling with Catrom produces fairly sharp results, but it's not comically sharp. This filter is perfectly usable even without AR.

Native downscaling AR still seems to be broken at the time of writing, so I'll also only include numbers using Pixel Clipper here.

Downsampling Antiring Methodology

My current method to evaluate downsampling filters is to concede that at 0.5x linear light box is as good as it gets, so I'll be using that as the "reference point" here.

The same kumiko.png test image was used to test downsampling AR, and it was downsampled with mpv as follows:

mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --gpu-api=vulkan --no-hidpi-window-scale --pause=yes --screenshot-format=png --deband=no --dither-depth=no --screenshot-high-bit-depth=no --correct-downscaling=no --linear-downscaling=yes --window-scale=0.5 --dscale=box kumiko.png

Some of these flags are redundant and the default behaviour, but please notice how you have to disable correct downscaling to get a real box filter (it'll get its radius extended and produce very blurry results otherwise).

The images were basically generated using the following command:

mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --gpu-api=vulkan --no-hidpi-window-scale --pause=yes --screenshot-format=png --deband=no --dither-depth=no --screenshot-high-bit-depth=no --correct-downscaling=yes --linear-downscaling=yes --window-scale=0.5 --dscale=catmull_rom --glsl-shader="PixelClipper.glsl" kumiko.png

Downsampling Antiring Results

catrom_pc_100 1.48E-03 45.3975 0.9971 0.9996 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
catrom_pc_95 1.51E-03 45.3115 0.9971 0.9996 0.9511 0.9764 0.9804 0.9941 0.9755
catrom_pc_90 1.54E-03 45.1996 0.9970 0.9996 0.8988 0.9456 0.9533 0.9742 0.9430
catrom_pc_85 1.57E-03 45.0609 0.9970 0.9996 0.8456 0.9075 0.9201 0.9436 0.9042
catrom_pc_80 1.60E-03 44.8991 0.9969 0.9996 0.7918 0.8630 0.8815 0.9031 0.8598
catrom_pc_75 1.63E-03 44.7168 0.9968 0.9996 0.7394 0.8129 0.8405 0.8655 0.8146
catrom_pc_70 1.66E-03 44.5193 0.9967 0.9995 0.6873 0.7586 0.7988 0.8358 0.7701
catrom_pc_65 1.69E-03 44.3107 0.9966 0.9995 0.6334 0.7013 0.7484 0.7838 0.7167
catrom_pc_60 1.72E-03 44.0984 0.9966 0.9995 0.5818 0.6429 0.7004 0.7456 0.6677
catrom_pc_55 1.75E-03 43.8862 0.9965 0.9995 0.5311 0.5846 0.6505 0.7033 0.6174
catrom_pc_50 1.78E-03 43.6738 0.9964 0.9995 0.4796 0.5262 0.5935 0.6386 0.5595
catrom 2.05E-03 41.7596 0.9953 0.9994 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Downsampling Antiring Commentary

The first thing we can see is that AR seems to be a net-positive in general even taking MS-SSIM into account this time. The scores go down almost linearly and the difference is pretty sizeable.

As far as image quality goes there's probably no reason to be against using Pixel Clipper if you're downscaling with sharp filters. Your only concern should be performance, and since PC needs its own shader pass the performance impact might not be negligible.

Performance Benchmarks

Benchmarking mpv performance is a bit tricky due to a few things:

  1. Due to the relatively cheap load, it's difficult to predict at which power state the GPU will stay at while we benchmark. To virtually increase the load, in an attempt to level the ground, we can cheese mpv into outputting frames as quickly as possible, but that's not necessarily representative of a real-world scenario.
  2. Hardware, OS, drivers, display servers, etc... All of those things affect mpv performance in complex ways that are usually unpredictable, so even if my benchmarks were perfect they'd still only be relevant for those with similar systems.

In any case, the following numbers were produced with these mpv settings with a 720p anime episode (~24 minutes long video) on a 5600X+6600XT setup:

Measure-Command { mpv --no-config --vo=gpu-next --gpu-api=vulkan --audio=no --untimed=yes --video-sync=display-desync --vulkan-swap-mode=immediate --window-scale=2.0 --fullscreen=yes }

Preset/Shader FPS Time Relative
fast 2057 41.71 1.0000
default 1615 53.13 0.7851
fastbilateral 1605 53.46 0.7802
jointbilateral 1544 55.57 0.7506
cfl_lite 1509 56.85 0.7337
ravu-lite-r2 1453 59.04 0.7065
cfl 1435 59.80 0.6975
krigbilateral 1417 60.55 0.6888
ravu-lite-ar-r2 1411 60.81 0.6859
ravu-lite-r3 1384 61.98 0.6730
ravu-lite-ar-r3 1369 62.68 0.6654
ravu-zoom-r2 1364 62.89 0.6632
high-quality 1351 63.50 0.6568
ravu-lite-r4 1292 66.40 0.6281
ravu-lite-ar-r4 1287 66.66 0.6257
ravu-zoom-ar-r2 1278 67.16 0.6210
FSR 1255 68.35 0.6102
ArtCNN_C4F8_CMP 1216 70.56 0.5911
pixelclipper 1127 76.13 0.5479
ravu-zoom-r3 1088 78.83 0.5291
nnedi3-nns32-win8x4 1008 85.13 0.4900
ravu-zoom-ar-r3 1006 85.33 0.4888
FSRCNNX_x2_8-0-4-1 912 94.08 0.4433
ArtCNN_C4F8 903 95.03 0.4389
ArtCNN_C4F16_CMP 733 117.05 0.3563
nnedi3-nns64-win8x4 640 134.07 0.3111
ArtCNN_C4F16 402 213.66 0.1952
FSRCNNX_x2_16-0-4-1 359 238.75 0.1747
nnedi3-nns128-win8x4 334 256.81 0.1624
nnedi3-nns256-win8x4 188 455.49 0.0916
ArtCNN_C4F32_CMP 168 510.86 0.0816
ArtCNN_C4F32 133 643.60 0.0648

Please keep in mind that the choice of built-in filter doesn't matter that much as the weights get stored in a LUT, so something like lanczos and spline36 have virtually identical performance. In short, filters with larger radii will obviously be slower, polar filters are slower than their orthogonal counterparts and AR obviously also makes things slower.


I want to make it clear though that you shouldn't take the results as gospel. Mathematical image quality metrics do not always correlate perfectly with how humans perceive image quality, and your personal preference is entirely subjective. You should take this page as what it is, a research that produces numbers, but you should not take these numbers for granted before understanding what they actually mean.